Talk Training: Speaking About Your Project With Confidence


Take a little while to write down your talking points:

Who Are You?

You are the biggest selling point of your product, service or project. Take a deep breath and don’t be afraid to pause while speaking to get your thoughts right. People want to know who is driving the machine. Be positive. Be energetic. Avoid pessimism and don’t down talk your project for the sake of modesty. There is a difference between confident and cocky. Avoid cocky, be confident. Don’t sell yourself short.

What Is Your Project?

Be clear. be concise. Try using as few sentences as possible. Try this as a writing exercise. Write down what your business is in three sentences or less. Leave out the filler. The average attention span is less than one minute. You’ve got one minute to make your pitch.

How Does it Work?
Explain how your product, service or project works. Be clear, concise and brief. Remember, short attention spans.
How does this help people, or what value does your project have to others.
Why should people want your product, service or project. Why does it work for THEM.
Why Are You Doing It?
Keep this section the briefest. Why did you start doing this? What are your goals? How do you plan to meet those goals?

Practice Makes Perfect: Write It Down!
Not everyone feels at ease when talking about a project. Actually, I think most people get uneasy at the idea of talking about their endeavors, worried they might sound like a used car salesman or ramble on too much. The key to talking about your project well, online or offline, is to be clear, concise and not ramble. The best piece of advice I have to give is WRITE IT DOWN. Writing down a plan about how to talk about your campaign will help you to solidify talking points, memorize facts and not sound like a loony. It is easy to get caught off guard by questions if you aren’t prepared. It is not exactly writing a speech (you don’t want to sound like you are running for office… unless you are) but it will help.

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We are a crowdfunding platform that focuses on accountability. We have peer reviews, special tools for campaigners and an awards system. Plus the platform is fully bi-lingual (English and Spanish).

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